An Exquisite Red Rose Bouquet Sale

This is a wonderfully romantic red Rose bouquet. It features a dozen Naomi super grade, long stemmed Roses and fresh greenery. A true showstopper, it is also available in a tall column vase. Please contact us if you would prefer this option.
All our bouquets are made up by hand in our Chelsea shop. We are happy to accept requests to change the size of the bouquet or use different flowers. Please call us at 0207 351 3151 with your preferences. Don’t forget to add a gift message to your order once it is in your shopping bag. Delivery is available throughout London. Delivery costs will be calculated at checkout according to the delivery postcode. Sunday delivery is available on Valentine s Day and Mother s Day only.Â
Additional Information
Size | 1 Dozen Long Stemmed Red Roses, 2 dozen Roses 24 Long Stemmed Red Roses, 3 Dozen 36 Long Stemmed Red Roses, 60 Long Stemmed Red Roses |